Sunday, April 6, 2008

Basketball Shape? I think not!

I went back to Forest City this weekend to play in the annual alumni basketball tournament. I hadn't played for the last two years as I didn't want to risk getting injured before Trans Iowa. Well, this year I decided to play. It had been three years since I had played basketball. While my heart and lungs are in good shape, my legs are wasted. I have felt better after running a marathon. I can barely walk after 4 games of basketball on Saturday. Talk about a kick in the junk. I guess biking shape is a bit (a lot!) different than basketball shape.

Speaking of having a kick in the junk. Paddy Humenny used to have a quote under his sign in name on that said, "Ask me about kicking you in the junk!" or something to that effect. Well, on Friday I had to give myself a heapful of Paddy's prescription! I will admit, when reading GT's info on Trans Iowa came out about it being the longest and hardest Trans Iowa yet I was more than upset. Personally I looked at what was expected in order to make the cut off's, fulling knowing Iowa weather, and realized very quickly that this would be on the very edge of my ability, if that. So, I was pretty angry, but then again, I am probably one of the slowest guys that will be at TI so I guess I probably am not fit for this race, but after Paddy's prescription I feel a lot better! %^)

So, I have a better attitude. Hey, who doesn't want to say that they finished the longest and hardest TI yet? Well, I do. I don't want some dumb down version do I (maybe? %^) So, I am going after making those cut offs! It may be a bit risky, but I am going for broke. I am going to go as lightweight as I can, given the conditions, and will do my best to stay on the bike as much as possible. Time off the bike will absolutely kill my chances of making the cut offs so I will have to push!

Watch for my next installment of what makes Trans Iowa so hard. One thing that I will say is the mental side of it. Even before the start date comes! GT is well known for changing his mind continually of what is expected and this version certainly isn't an exception. First he says 10 mph average will be expected and then changes it to 11. Well, for the average Joe like me, that is a huge freaking difference, BUT, I am going for it! Again, I just need to make sure I am not spending much time off the bike!

Happy training.


Joe said...

Hey Paul, don't worry about TI. Show up, ride and smile, and have some fun along the way. See you in about 3 weeks.


Taugimba said...

Don't dwell on what is being said about this years TI. The key at this point is to keep a positive attitude. In only a few weeks your name will be added to that list of finishers. Enjoy the adventure and remember to always keep moving forward.

Stay focused and confident!

I'll be watching from the sidelines (this year).

Mike Howard said...

Keep positive Paul! I'm riding this year though you...I think your more ready than you know! Enjoy it!

FixieDave said...

Just keep pedaling!

You well make it